Eric's photo blog site. You can start w/ link BEST OF POSTS at the top, or open any posting below. Once in a blog entry, you will see a list of all 150+ blog posts going back over 3 years. Each blog post has an average of 12 photos per blog entry. Nearly all photos taken from the saddle of my fat bike or mountain bike.
Badlands, SD – first day I drove the route to see the road shoulder, turnoffs, and terrain. The course I chose was the most scenic but it also had the most challenging hills. Next morning I was at my departure point on Pinnacle Point, riding at 7:30am. Plenty of photo ops along the way and returned by 10am very sweaty but a great sense of accomplishment. Morning and sunset are the best times to visit this amazing place. As soon as the ride was over, in the car and driving home. Mission accomplished.
Erosion seen throughout is from rainfall on soft stone.Above: Overlook is called Yellow Mounds, on account of the colors in this area.Above: roadside family hanging while stiff cool in early AM.In the morning, roads were mostly empty. Plenty of road should where needed most.Panorama Point.Good example of the colored layers of millions of years in the making.Roadside drop offs visible from bicycle or hiking, but missed is you are in a car driving through.Lots of forbidden steeps and cuts no animal or man will touch.There is lots of prairie grass here, but nothing seems to grow in areas undergoing erosion.Highest peaks, all due to rain erosion.Early AM with fresh air and sharp sunshine. Not the moon in the shot.Stark contrast against dark blue sky.Proof of presence.