Chatfield west – Epic conditions on single tracks

Ride at Chatfield Resevoir west side near gravel pond trails. The riding is fantastic and the terrain is soft and even. 3-5 inches of mostly fresh untracked. I had picked up a camera upgrade in the morning and took some time to explore what it could do.

The best rides are long enough that you shed a sense of self. It’s that feeling after a great workout. You feel so much better afterward, and no stress at all.

TUNAGE: Electric Light Orchestra, Genesis… more
TRAIL: Single Tracks on the southwest side of Chatfield between the east and west banks of the S Platte running through. Seems some the ponds down here don’t have names.
SEEN: Tandem Mountain bikers, 1 other Fat Bike rider, Dan’s tracks from previous days, and lots of soft powdery trails
Posts include photos and my first attempt at posting a video from the new camera, using Cyberlink to edit, then upload direct to WordPress.
GEAR: Brought the new full size Tripod along for the whole ride. It was tucked into the Relevate rear pack. It fit inside the pack where I could close it and secure it comfy like. We’re gonna be bringing this along for the sunny day rides.

Tripod shot
Bike Art – “The Bright Idea!”
East of the Platte facing west
Just west of Platte looking south
Winter Cycling Tandem Couple

This first attempt at video. No WP plug-in.

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