Exploring Lorenz Regional Park and East

TUNAGE: Crystal Method, Massive Attack
SEEN: Areas east around David Lorenz Park at Colorado Bld and C470.
Overcast day but the temps are just right around 35F. Today I explored the areas just east of Lorenz Regional park. The launch point was the furthest southeast corner of South Suburban golf course. Crossed directly over County Line but had to ride east to the Hobby store as barbed wired does not allow direct entry. Near the RC track and small parking lot for the frisbee golf course. Explored the Frisbee golf course which was great dirt riding terrain overall. Just be aware that you could be standing in somebody’s frisbee shot so eyes open.
Luckily there was dirt entrance road or path down all the way to the C-470 trail. This is what I was hoping for.
This is Douglas County and significant parts or the area east of Lorez is barbed wire fenced off.

One area fenced off are the tall radio antennas(4). Signs warn of high energy radio emissions so that makes sense. Lorenz itself if carefully fenced off with a small entrance way along a small trail head south near the Colorado and C470 overpass.
Large areas of land pictured are fenced off with private property signage. There are large pipes occasionally popping out or the ground. There is something buried underneath all this land and some unknown purpose for keeping off. I googled the area, maps off the DougCo website but could not find the purpose or owner of the land.
It would make a great open space and has great views.
There is a maintenance area with piles of dirt, gravel, and assorted junk which is just south of the Dog Park. I found a way in from the C470 trail with no signage, but realized it was likely private or a fenced off SSPR storage location.

Final conclusion, there is a way to ride to the Lorenz BMX track on mostly dirt without having to deal with busy intersections.  It’s great fun on the BMX track on a fat bike. Be prepared for some oddball stares.


Facing East from southeast corner of Lorenz looking at private property and C470.
Riding here on new C470 trail concrete, but not sure what this landscaping is for.
Facing east from maintenance area looking at Frisbee GC and Hobby shop. I realize I should not be here.
The BMX course near Lorenz regional park.


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