Local Gem : Horizontal Trail strip at S Dry Creek, Colorado Blvd quadrangle

2017, Jan 15 ride for couple of hours, with hot tea stops.

TUNAGE: Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson mechanical animals

warning: selfie alert.  Some testing attached and these are more than I have ever taken. My family will appreciate it. Too grey for me to take more.

Off Big Dry Creek Trail, about 1/4 mi SE of E Dry Creek and S Colorado Blvd intersection.
Denver Water property trail goes diagonal from NEast to Southwest for the entire quadrangle. Not marked because it’s Denver Water property and they sort of allow hikers on trail. There are areas tall tundra grass with a very remote feel to them.

But the real surprise was a finger trail going along a stream and natural corridor. It split off going more south east to county line. The trail has lots of raw, untouched, hilly and tree lined terrain. Going through is a tiny stream with split log crossings. Had to hike a short rocky section. The corridor is rimmed by large houses offset comfortably so you don’t notice them. My new favorite place and reason to return when it snows.

Attempted a map in this post, and explored more of my new selfie stick and camera. The shots off the Android phone are of surprising quality given how overcast it was.

Say Diagonal Trail on the Quadrangle 10 times fast.
Using samsung phone.
With Trail in Background.
with a simple windows re-colorization for effect.
As seen on trail. Grey day.


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