Mt Falcon JeffCo, and Chatfield SW trails

Mt Falcon Saturday, then more Sunday at Chatfield

Sat: I’ve researched and mapped to Mt. Falcon in JeffCo county. I have success with Parmalee trail but at completion I head home not feeling good.

Sun:Perhaps odd but my ride start was focused on entering the S. Platte river as it emerges from Waterton canyon. This entrance is from the bridge over the S. Platte. You may ride along the roadway a bit from the  Waterton Parking Lot to the entrance.  Note that this does not appear as an actual trail and the roadside segment is short, but bizarre. The drop into the trail will be walked and walking north a bit to some man-made obstacles brings you soon to the barbed wire trail segment.

I named today the trail the ‘Barbed Wire’ trail. It’s because much of the trail is too adjacent to a serious barbed wire fence. This fence circles some Denver Water property but allows this trail through the riverside access. The trail is too close to the barbed wire so pay close attention when riding. Advice is to ride slow, pay close attention to the trail, and do not collide with any barbed wire. Failure will mean a bloody scrape. I hope this is advice is clear.

The ‘Barbed Wire’ trail along extreme south west S Platte river just out of Waterton and into Chatfield.  When you move past all that.

More trail side obstacles that make this ride interesting.
Why hurry, this is why riding is fun in Chatfield. Photo is from mid February and a monochrome grey and brown.
Unique segment is like Lord of the Rings terrain. This is far south segment of trail from Audubon Center down to the overpass to S Platte River.


The Parmalee trail has a defining segment where you can look down to 285, This makes the trail worthwhile and many hikers will be seen along this.
Looking down from Parmalee trail northwest to US 285 below. Near to the Indian Hills turnoff.
Mr. Falcon View on not so clear day.


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