Confluence Park – Cherry Creek Trail and S Platte Trail


Taking the road bike while the Fat bike is in the shop for annual maintenance. These two trails and the intersection at Confluence Park is the most interesting urban paved trail experience in the state.

I saw maybe a dozen tower cranes here and north into the Rhino(Riverfront North) neighborhood. These trails give a view of Denver downtown that is unseen by most. Not all of it is pretty but everything is interesting. I found the Cherry Creek trail a pleasure to ride until the Denver Country club where the trail was a regular sidewalk with a line down the middle. I turned around here and won’t return as this segment was unpleasant to ride. Riding northeast on S Platte trail towards this Rhino neighborhood, I pulled of to see a bit of this fastly changing section of town that we keep hearing about in the news. When these housing construction projects are done, the area will be flush with new faces and brighten this sullen section of town.
I encountered a new detour due to newly started trail work near Globeville Landing park. The detour is along a road with no bike lane and not a pleasant ride. The Denver website indicates construction will extend to fall of 2018.

Confluence Park looking NW towards REI
Starting down the Cheery Creek Trail from Confluence Park.
Denver Convention Center and statue at Arts center.
Unexpected city scape on Cherry Creek Trail
One of many overpasses along Cherry Creek trail.
Construction in Riverfront North district.
Tower Cranes building new housing and more.
Rhino district construction again.


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