North Table Mountain Park – Golden Colorado

Tunage: Jethro Tull
This is a large mesa area high above Golden. These define the signature ‘look’ of Golden in photos and on signage. The North Table loop rides along the sides of the huge mesa.
A clockwise loop was the wise choice. Only at the last leg of the big circle did the trail go quite vertical to get to the top of the mountain, which is relatively flat at top. Trails are very rocky and loose in many places. There is a graded road trail which is very steep if you start the loop going counterclockwise. This is ride-able up if you pace yourself for a grueling ride up. Instead I was going down this grade and the dropper seat post help me feel sane, and the brakes were full on the entire way down.
At the top I saw over 30 deer wandering the area. There are many finger trails that go directly to the edge of the mesa and numerous locations for technical rope climbing. The cliffs of the mesa are deadly but only a few trail segments felt dangerous.

The Thunderbolt performed excellently. Steep rocky climbs can be tamed with focus, momentum, and committment. There was once long stretch of vertical that was non-stop boulder stairs. The walk up was to the top of the mesa. My ride down the mesa to Golden was on the wide graded road segment. There were a lot of pedestrians here as the thing to do is hike to the the top up the steep grade, and soak in the view when on top of the Mesa. Every trail was single or double track except this short steep stretch.

When I return the camera must come along. Photos were taken on the Android music player. I brought only a water bottle to keep the ride lightweight. Should have brought the camera. Great photo opportunities along the trail.

Bring your helmet.

Illustrates how the loop trail carve along the outer perimeter of the table mesa.

Looking South.
Looking East with downtown Denver visible on distant right.
Powerlines soiling the scenery.
Mesa Cliffs
Vertical Cliffs are 20 feet ahead., View of downtown Golden and Coors Brewing company.
Helmet recommended.

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