SNOW COMING – But Thurs night ride is warm and sunny

TUNAGE: Assorted playlist from Napster on iPhone streaming cellular. 80’s song with harmonies.

The grey wall of clouds,  forms from the Northwest sky, moving to consume the entire front range. But tonight another glimpse of spring. They predict 3-6″ of snow tonight, and much more down along the Palmer Divide.  I prepped the Fatbike for a ride tomorrow AM and another ride late day. I predict/hope the snow will hit a lot harder than the weather people do.

Note embedded ‘sign?’ I’m very curious how they drilled this log, to perfectly fit the synthetic medallion like sign. Especially when this emblem can only be seen when you are standing along the shore. No passerby’s would notice this until they stopped and looked around. This is the only circular placard, leading me to believe it was an experiment, or arose from a single unique motivation. Note the thin cut marks around the circular bore. BTW that’s me Thunderbolt!
Marjorie Perry Nature Preserve – Upper Pond
Perfect riding conditions, just too dry, and no snow!! Snow coming tonight. I will re-photo this exact scene tomorrow.


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