Daily Dose of Outside

It is now 10 consecutive days where I have taken a ride daily. All on local trails but consistent. Not long rides, but I get plenty of exercise. We’ll see how far I can take this. Tonight’s ride was long and the legs are stiff. Planning the weekend rides starting tomorrow.

I’m liking the collage tool in PaintShop Pro.  Framing the picture is key. The artistic format allows me to practice my knack for framing tightly on the compelling piece of any image. The shapes of the images are then arranged is a somewhat creative manner on the palette.

The Thunderbolt has this remarkably stiff bike frame. Pick up the bike and is raises without much effort. There is such a feel of sturdiness because of this stiffness. I switched the seat to a more comfy model. I also moved the paddle style handlebar grips onto the Thunderbolt and I have few wrist pains now.

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