The bottom of the Highline : Make your own trail

Looking for mud but trails have been dry despite recent wetness. Found wanting for single track and made my own through the bottom of the Highline canal. For long segments like this I can ride nearly 3 miles and not be interrupted by water or obstacles. It’s well shaded and cooler. Just plan on upsetting dogs who along the ride, have not seen a cyclist down there is a while. Keep an eye out for entry and exit points along the way.  Usually the canal walls are too steep to conveniently just walk out.

Deep into Greenwood Village and Cherry Hills are some trails along huge Cattails field. Not seeing very much growth here now except close to open water.

Riding last few days has still been cool light jacket rides. Saturday cleared out nice and clear after some am showers.

Thick Cattail fields that are all brown now. I’ll watch growth progress through spring, summer and fall.
In Marjorie Perry Nature Preserve. Hidden trail along a draining earth berm.
Sunsets every ride this time of year.

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