Mueller State Park – Divide CO – Day 3

Mueller State Park – Divide Colorado – Day 3

Only short distance away from Lake George is Divide. This is now a favorite state park of mine. The Pike Peak region has it’s own feel in the terrain, soil, and rocks. This is a great visit and the I met some great park employees who pointed me in the right direction. This larger loop on the North side goes past a former working ranch location. Ride started with sun but clouds came in quick with minor sleet and snow. It got real cold real fast. So you see the nice sunny shots in the first 3/4. I would come back to visit more as the camping locations looked top notch. Later in the day I ate in Divide at an Irish pub restaurant. Watched the America’s cup sailing on large screen TV with a Guiness. Another weather front came in fast and it rained hard and cold. I timed it perfect and it was clearing as I left for camp.

This is Saturday memorial weekend, and I’m the only person on a bike on these trails. Fact is most the ride was barren of people. Nice…


Pikes peak in the distance. Did I nail this shot or what. No editing done.


I should come back and reframe this shot while clouds are clear. Dead ahead is Pike Pike obscured by clouds.


The lighting in shots would change swiftly as sun occasionally sneaked through the moving clouds above.


This was later in the ride and cold rain was spitting. Looking back on the loop in these awesome meadows facing south toward pikes.


Proof of presence


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