Mt Falcon – the eastside approach on Castle Trail

Mt Falcon – the eastside approach on Castle Trail

Here, you gotta pay the price for the best mountain views. This is my second time here. First time I rode Parmalee trail on the Fatbike. This kicked my ass. This is the second time, and the ass got kicked on the east side this time. The eastside approach starts low, close to Red Rocks, then climbs steadily and increasingly steeper and rockier. There were some who rode mostly up. Couple of sections needed walking. I walked up sections where the whole trail was rocks big enough to bring a halt. I observed those who were climbing successfully seemed to have the 50T tooth large rear ring. But the length of the climb is the challenge. There were a lot of hikers on this segment. You will drink all your water and you will stop to take breaks.

So after two days at the Mt Falcon State Park, I recommend: Parmalee taken counter-clockwise; and all trails west of the Picnic Shelter along Castle Trail; the Meadows(high score), and smaller trails near the top Parking lot are worth another visit. The whole park is as vertical as it is wide. Study the topo, or simply pay the price for the best mountain views.

Above is Facing East. There is some steeper not not crazy steep ahead. The Picnic Shelter is a smart turnaround point. East of the the Picnic Shelter is really steep and rocky.


Above, overlooking west facing a big North East. Below you can really see the hogback ranges below. Stripes of land where dinosaur bones seem abundant.


Above: Zoomed far away looking at the top of Red Rock Amphitheater (I think).


Above: More hogback spine hills below. This facing directly east as I climb the eastside approach to Castle Trail.


Some nicer sections of classic Colorado trails.



Above: facing westward to some distant range.




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