Eric's photo blog site. You can start w/ link BEST OF POSTS at the top, or open any posting below. Once in a blog entry, you will see a list of all 150+ blog posts going back over 3 years. Each blog post has an average of 12 photos per blog entry. Nearly all photos taken from the saddle of my fat bike or mountain bike.
At mid-August water levels have lowered and my exploration of this area revealed much of the stream beds have dried up and are passable. So much so I rode in the dried stream bed nearly to the terminus of Highline canal. Lots of deer along the way and judging by the tracks, only deer and occasional horses were around. The sand and mud was firm and ride-able on the fat bike. I got muddy feet when I decided to exit the stream bed to find a solid trail. Only horseback riders come back here, and their prints guided me out. This is a delightfully remote place and saw some large deer watching me closely.
Above: facing south east the highline canal is to the right and this trail ends at private property close to Titan Road.
Above: Standing near the trail terminus facing north west.
Above: a dried up finger of Plum Creek which flows into Chatfield Lake.Above: tree debris forming a bit of an obstacle.
Above: a spillway from Highline canal at this terminus. There is an underground viaduct somewhere here but you cannot see the emerging point in the distance.
Above: a nice singletrack through grassy fields.Above: I welcome the mud because I know where the fresh water spigots are located to rinse at the end.Above: Check frequently the rear gearing as the high grass will get in and muck things up.The author fully rinsed off , before the ride home.