Supermoon – over two days

Supermoon ride Saturday – Totally clear skies but some haze perhaps from inversion. I decided well on doing the Chatfield ride on the Saturday before Full Moon.

But I had the wrong times written for moonrise. So I missed the moonrise come up from the distant east horizon. Chatfield trail by Plum Creek confluence is now blocked perhaps for good. This is first phase in raising the reservoir level. There’s going to be a lot of changes it will look like construction at several locations, new roads, relocating facilities.

Supermoon ride Sunday – Ride to Shangri-La and then the shortcut to the cemetary. Excellent views overall with lots of sky. Followed the ridgeline and found a good easterly facing knoll by the Issac Newton school ballfields.  The moon illuminated the night so that moonshadows were easily seen.

Above: Trails along trails close to the current water level will eventually under up to 8 feet of water. This trail could be the new waters edge.
Above: This is a crap photo, to remind me the camera I have cannot do what I want with low-light photography.
Above: to steady the camera, I held it next to a tree trunk. Makeshift tripod.
Blue Lines are where the new water level will be. I presume.
Image processed Above. Poorly.
Supermoon photo using the only low light options.
$12 shop and safety goggles. Better lenses are optically clear. Keeps the cold wind off the eyes, but still ventilate very well.

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