Dodge the Flu Ride

Yesterday I had a runny nose that leaked all day. Dedicated myself to rest and sleep. And lucky me today on Sunday feeling great. Took a large ride and not as stiff and painful as earlier in the week. Definitely fought something off and hopefully dodged the bullet.

The four horse are regulars along my favorite local ride. Two of them are named for Prince Harry and Prince William.

Tomorrow is Super Blue Full Blood whatever moon. With temps in the 60’s forecast for tomorrow, will need to make a visit to Chatfield. Pic’s by Weds. or Thurs.

Above: View of frozen ponds near Margaret Perry Nature Preserve.
Above: Snow in northern facing trail segments are very slow to melt.
Above : Looking southward to mail trail in distance and cat-o-tails found throughout.
Above: Common trail view with large cottonwoods.
Above: Ranch along the way with frequently seen 4 horses who live there.


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