Newly found trails – the rustic cabin in Douglas County south of Chatfield

So many worthwhile photos.  I’m getting warmed up for a trip to Fruita, CO in a few weeks.  These taken on a late Sunday ride along the front range.

Pull up the barbed wire fence. Freedom on open trails.
Above: Trail segment running through a riverlet, long dried up.
Always the best rides are on those first time visited.
Above: View from the saddle this Sunday afternoon.
Strange berms on either side of a finger trail.

I did this trail years ago and forgot about it.  It is remote and you will only see a couple of people.


Above: a hidden and abandoned cabin along the trail. My realtor would have called this ‘rustic’.
Above: Looking southwest toward United Launch Alliance in the foothills ahead.
Seems remarkably shaky. No need to go inside. It is safer under a tree if necessary.
This area is south of the planned flooding plum creek as part of Chatfield reservoir expansion. The orange flags seem to mark something I cannot figure out. There are a few isolated flags.
Above: an un-named pond extremely south close to Waterton Canyon.
Riverbed rock, everywhere.

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