Meet Sam the snake: Trailside Bull Snake

I saw Sam in time on the trail and stopped because he was laying across the width of the single track trail. After a couple of pictures, he was content to stay on the trail despite a couple of pebbles kicked his way. When I rolled my front tire suddenly toward him to startle, it worked and he coiled a bit, and assumed what was an attack position. I figured it a rattler, but my research and the shape of his head meant he was an non-poisonous bull snake. Just less than 3 feet long, the Bull Snake mimics Rattlesnakes. It was a cool encounter.
Various wildlife shots taken over last couple of rides which again were in town mostly.

I’ve mistakenly rode over several small snakes this summer. But this one stops you in tracks due to its size. We parted ways peacefully.
I’m not going to venture into the tall grass nearby to avoid this camper.
The narrow head is the distinction. The Bull snake mimics the rattler with its stripes and spots.
Meet Prince Andrew(Front) then Jimmy, and Chaz.
Bighorn Sheep – lucky shot of this older male. – In Waterton Canyon.
Late summer and some trails are overgrowing.
Chatfield has stables and publicly accessible horse-back tours. Rent a horse.
Surveying a harsh rocky world.
The pile of concrete contrasts heavily against everything.

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