Dinosaur Natl – Walking Trails View – Day 2

Federal Parks only allow bicycles on roads. Some of the best views are off walking trails and today was spend hiking. The views are worth it here as these locations are awesome. On one trail a memorable surprise was a finding a recent animal kill where either bear or lion took a deer. Imagine my surprise to see a small cave nearby, and luckily it was empty.

This called Whirlpool Canyon. River flows towards Utah state line not far from here.
Good shot of Steamboat Rock. I was camped down there.


Trailside view of Steamboat Rock and the Yampa river making a wide loop.


I turn to the left, and see this animal kill site. Only pieces left.


I turn further left and see this cave. A hair raising moment as I realize this is home to either bear or mountain lion. Nothing inside.
It was along here that I saw the animal kill pile. Occasionally you will hear a rock or two tumble down and knock against the walls.
Echo Park with camp on the right behind those trees.



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