East-West Trail Highlands Ranch

Dec 29th-
Revisited this ride and very glad I did. All dirt trails, great views from higher vistas. Though it seems a lot of up and down climbing, only a couple of climbs warrant a breather stop. This would be great for the fat-bike when snowy or wet.

Denver in the distance.
Did I mention some up and down? It just looks steep!
Horses get right of way, and free photos taken.
Sneaking a snack.
Mountains, Foothills, Suburbia and treeless plains. This is the Colorado Front Range.
Author clicking a photo of one of the really fun trail segments. It winds down like this far in the distance.
A couple of rough segments. A reminder to me about the varied terrain on this trail.
Private property to the right around the bluffs. Should be open with a trail.
Above is a scene close to home.
The deep valley here contrasted well against the horizon and mountains.

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