Spring Rainy rides, with a view

It was sunny when I left, but a slow moving rain cloud parked for half an hour while I chilled under an overpass. It did move onward and clearing skies for the remainder of the ride. Today it’s warm even with the rain so no worries. Final shot on the way home showed the heavy snow still in the mountains. That is Mt. Evans and range in the back.

Note the light green color is because the leaves has freshly bust out. Trees are just not yet a full foliage yet.
A new trail for me. The grassy road goes on to an equestrian center.
Greening of the landscape. Weeds and grasses are very happy with the rain.
The photo lies about how bright it was. It’s pouring out there now. Found this dry underpass and not a soul on the trails right now.
Geared up for minimal rain riding. Just a hat.
It never really rains for long anywhere on the front range of Colorado. Just need to find a place to sit out the deluge. Your author is feeling a bit trapped but it does wonders to clear the mind.
Mt. Evans range, taken from close to home, at just the right spot.

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