Gunnison – Hartman Rocks

On July 18, 2019 Gunnison Colorado – Hartman Rocks Recreation Area.

Just south of Gunnison Colorado downtown is this huge tract of BLM land open to pubic use. Lots of jeep roads and mountain bike trails. This place is a gem and makes Gunnison one of the best locations next to Crested Butte for mountain biking. Varied terrain and open vista views once you get to the plateau above the valley. The Arkansas river is seen below after you climb the introductory trail. The dirt road up is called ‘Kill Hill’ which is for vehicles but it is very steep.

At the top of the Plateau, massive vista views.
Lots of wildflowers on this trip. The rain and moisture has been very beneficial.
A few kids blazed past me when I first started. But here I pass them. Steady and consistent pace is the key to steep climbs. These few are rethinking their enthusiasm about now.
Trails are in great shape. Large boulder fields and interesting terrain is aplenty.
Arkansas River below. That is about a 300 ft cliff just ahead. Look at how green the grass below is.
Some notably rocky areas, but the ‘rocks’ part of the trip is largely on the initial ridge.
Better shot after getting to the top plateau. Trails are everywhere and many are 4 Wheel trails.
I don’t ride insanity like this. But you can see the worn rock where many have tried.
From the trail ‘Top of the World’ overlooking Gunnison down below.
Sage brush is what you see. It has tough branches which will scratch and cut if you land on it.
Parts of the Rocks area. Trail goes around those.
About 84 degrees so not as hot as Denver which is around 99 degrees :=)
Your author chillin trailside at ‘Top of the World’ trail.

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