Mt Crested Butte Mountain Bike Park

July 20, 2019 – Mt Crested Butte Bike Park

Basically you buy a lift ticket and ride up the lift, and ride the bike down. Over 10 trips downhill with little pedaling. 5 hours later your legs are burning because of the standing on the pedals and absorbing shock. Great weather today, and great shots of mountains with lots of snow still seen despite being July 21st!

Look at how green the ride up the mountain is.
Trails are fairly steep, except here.
Top of the lift, where your bike goes up separately on a special rack ahead of you. It’s easy on and easy off.
Aptly named, this trail is ‘Insanity Rocks’. I would not attempt as those descending seems to be wearing full body armor, anticipating any fall, which would be painful.
Snow is not common this late in the summer.
Your author enjoying cool temps at the top of the chairlift.
Mountain lodging, but I smartly opted for a place down valley in the town of Crested Butte. I only had to start the car twice as everything you needed was a walk away. Up here, the condos are nice, but nothing really to do.
While riding up chairlift, this deer is munching away oblivious to the people overhead. Deer is in the middle of the photo…
Lots of kids up here, most on vacation with their families. I felt like the senior citizen this day. But I was doing it.
View from the chairlift if you look back a bit.
Usually this view would be all white and all snow. Today, green is the color.

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