Trailside Views roundup

Aug 17, 2019 – Post contains a variety of photos from local rides in last couple of weeks. There was a small forest fire at one of my local favorite mountain parks but I could only get one shot as everything in the area was closed until it cooled off. I went to the Butterfly Pavilion instead.

Yes, I took some photos of butterflies at the Butterfly Pavilion. Rediscovered the limitations of closeup photography. But these came out fine.
I call this ‘Razor Wire Trail’ . Stay on trail or else!
My shadow included as it was nearing twilight time.
A sculpture at Chatfield Farms botanic center. I’m inside this hand woven structure made from branches.
This is natural sculpture by an artist who has done 200+ similar constructions out of locally sourced branches. Looks like a lot of work to create this.
You can walk inside. The structure is surprisingly strong, but after a couple of winters??
It’s been unusually humid this summer.
Lots of green in a connector down to South Platte Trail
Here is the only shot of the Deer Creek Park fire. You can barely see the blackened section. It was small an put out in about a day.
It began raining 10 minutes later. No worries as the parks have good cover.
The ‘ride’ rigged for summertime whatever.
Along the South Platte trail near the Cement Factory.
The memorial for the Columbine 13 students. It’s in the pedestrian friendly Chapel Hill cemetery on a favorite route.

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