Yellowstone – Day 3 – Mammoth Hot Springs

Today’s plan is what works best with the rhythm of Yellowstone. Up early, drive to features and planned destination, pictures galore, then a noon-time reset onto a trail and ride until no later than 3pm. Stores, delis and restaurants close around 5pm, so feed by 5pm, then a small trail or short visit. Early to bed because by nightfall every beast is hunkering down for the night.
Morning drive to Mammoth met with construction delays, and a herd of buffalo walking down the main road blocking traffic for another 15 mins.
Mammoth is my favorite feature with a very large area of unique terraces, pools, and travertine features. There is lots of walking and stairs to take to get around to see the area.
After a break, I rode to the North Entrance, parked near the guard station, and cycled up a continuous dirt trail – Old Gardiner Road. It ended in Mammoth Springs in town.
It turned sunny and I enjoyed Mammoth Springs, a town inside the park where elk were laying around everywhere like they owned the place. Of greater interest was watching park rangers try to keep human’s a good distance from the wildlife.

A commonplace traffic jam. The bison are huge.
They ignore the cars and people like me taking pictures.
The Travertine stepped pools.
Very colorful and clean looking hot water in terraces.
The famous Canary Falls area.
The Old Gardiner Road trail used to be the 4WD road to town. The paved route today is for vehicles only.
It’s a non-stop climb and steep in places. I sweat all the way to the top.
Wyoming and Montana terrain differs from Colorado.
Towards the top you get a glimpse of the Mammoth Hot Springs.
As I crest the final climb on the trail, I approach from above.
Everybody likes the grass to lounge on.
The back entrance is open to the medical clinic.
Finally, a worthy trail. In the valley below is Montana.
This old fellow walked very slowly straight down the middle lines. No cars wanted to pass and the Bison seemed to know it was frustrating travelers.
The Dragon’s Breath Geyser made loud moaning sounds. Periodically belching waves of hot water out it’s mouth.

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