Yellowstone – Day 4 – Old Faithful

Sept 25, 2019
The up early strategy is working great. The travel info available online does not make clear how to visit Yellowstone when staying in the park. Most come in by bus from afar. Today direct to Old Faithful, a 90 min ride from the hotel. The place is huge and much more than the regular geyser which accommodates hundreds of visitors to see the very tall eruptions. The immediate surrounding area is a basin with what seems over a hundred features, long boardwalks which loop around this area.
There is a bike allowed trail which provided the best approach to visiting. There is quite a bit of hiking without the cycle. One trail connected the Old Faithful basin to Biscuit basin, which held the best views and features. The weather was clear making great photos of this amazing area, and the wildlife that lives there.
One the way out in the afternoon, I rode the Lonestar Trail through forest to a large geyser which erupts every 3-4 hours. At the hotel I ride a bit and say goodbye to Yellowstone the next day. One last sunset ride along the lake.
Tomorrow I head south towards Grand Tetons and Jackson Wyoming for the next half of the trip.

Up early and capture sun rising above Yellowstone Lake.
The one and only Old Faithful, on time.
From the walkways near Yellowstone Basin.
The river passing near the features seem to ignore the underground hot springs on the right.
Yellowstone lodge and visitor center behind this stark looking geyser.
Search Google Images and you get shots like this.
This shows how dangerous stepping off the boardwalk could be.
Incredible colors and clear water.
Deep blue water hot pools.
Trail view on the way to Biscuit Basin.
Lucky shot near Biscuit Basin.
The trail along Lonestar follows this river.
Nothing like clear weather and sun.
From trailside to Lonestar.
The Lonestar Geyser at the end of the trail. Just simmering now. By the size of the area a big eruption every 3 hours.

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