CPW#35 – Staunton State Park

Staunton Park is a few exits west of Aspen Park off Rt 285. It is very wooded and very green. This cool fall day the air is crisp and clear.
I camped in the tent on Saturday night, and it was very cold with frost on the tent. There was no snow on the ground despite snow in the area a couple of days earlier. This is one of my favorites but it makes a long day and you want to get started early. Anticipating snow and winter approaching, the park was filling up quickly with hikers and bikers getting the last visit before winter sets in.

This because a state park about 10 years ago. There are a lot of volunteers and supporters in the area. I’ve seen almost entirely locals visiting here. This is the 3rd time I’ve been to Staunton State Park.
The grassy meadows are one of the best features of Staunton.
One of the historic cabins. All shuttered and too dangerous to enter.
There are a few rock climbing sections by the rocky hill to the right.,
Twilight brings out animals. In the morning at 7am sunrise, the raucous sound of birds and squirrels kept things interesting.
Both Sunset and Moonrise w full moon at at 6:30pm. But at soon as it got dark, it got real cold. Since there were no campfires allowed, it was in the tent keeping warm by 7:30p.

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