Too much snow to ride?

Huge snowfall over Thanksgiving and cold temps have kept an ice and snow layer on trails. Conditions are muddier than usual. Still riding most days and a couple of trail shots included. Included a couple of shots of smaller side trips during this season of short dark days.

Trail conditions dicey but still able to ride.
Happy riding on the Fat Bike.
We received 14 inches of snow on average across town and the mountains. After several days, the trail could be ridden but only if you stay in the pedestrian channel.
I’ve been going to the Air Force football games when they have service only games. Air Force beat Army. This shows how the event allows them to showcase the cadets and their ‘teams’ which march onto the field.
The High Line Canal is a 71 mile long park, trail, and irrigation structure created in 1833.
I went to the large Claude Monet art exhibit in Denver for next few month. It’s sold out but I bought tickets months ago. This photo is my favorite of all I saw. I think its the trail path to the ocean that I like the most.
Yep, the author is sweating as today is rather warm despite the snow.

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