Crested Butte – Winter Riding

Up for the weekend among my element. I rode here this summer and promised to return. The weekend events are one of a kind. On arrival day we were allowed to examine the race course on a Nordic ski trail. Sunny weather overall and not too cold. Opening night fun included a bike polo tournament. A good chunk of downtown was turned into polo courts. It went late into dark, I was cold but got some photos.

Rigged for photo touring with a tripod, snacks and warm(ish) water.
View towards what are some of the best mountain biking trails in Colorado.
A good ski winter in Crested Butte.
Enough sun today I received a mild sunburn on my hands.
A couple of stream crossings over a bridge. Looking north with Crested Butte Ski area to the far left.
A man made jump. That’s however is not your author.
A typical groomed nordic ski trail is not very steep, and a snow machine grooms and packs the snow allowing skiing, and some biking.
Your author. Just off the trail the snow was over 3 feet deep. Don’t step off the groomed trail.
Lot’s of local participants and some crazy attire.
It’s a slippery icy court. Lots of spills. I’m glad I did not try in.

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