Busy Trails, Vaca Fail, and 2 snakes

Riding the bicycle every day. Moved onto the mountain bike and taking longer rides. Trail traffic is busy but not insane like it was mid April. Everyone is now figuring out how to coexist. I half wear a mask while riding and will cover up entering tight underpass tunnels and rare close contact. The playgrounds had yellow tape which is now falling apart and a couple kids exploring the equipment.

Took a long ride down to the South Platte and encountered 2 Bull Snakes. Big ones I’d say, making way to their den’s after a day near the river.

Took a few days of vacation, the first this year. I replaced window screens, rebuilt my back gate, and replace a few outside light fixtures. The lesson learned is that I really need to take more vacation. Hoping to pull a whole week off and head down south in Colorado in June.

We had the first clear sky full moon evening in months. Getting dry but a recent shower really juiced the greenery all about us.

Spring weather gear. The folding hat is in case of rain. Camera snacks and water. Beyond is sample single track trails wider than normal.
Managed a halfway ok night shot of the full moon trailside.
The second of two similarly huge Bull snakes making their path to higher ground. About a yard long.
Riding mostly before twilight. No crowds and great weather has made it enjoyable.
Full Moon in early May 2020. From the High Line canal near Sumac Farm.
Been riding the dry river bottom on the high line canal. Guaranteed no crowds down here. I can ride for about 3 mile without dismounting.
One day were going to look back on this and just laugh, laugh laugh.
Trailside I have the stylish yet functional face covering. Not always deployed.
Old Gate, around 10 years ago I did a refurbish on the gate but now its really failing.
Rebuilt Gate. Closes smoothly and firmly. I enjoy working with wood.

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