Disappointment Falls and Dowdy Lake

Sept 4, 2020 – A split day ride. First back to visit the Lady Moon area. Started from the south and rode up to Disappointment Falls. This ride was the most attractive overall and the falls… they disappointed. But the falls area was very shady, and cool with a dark and lush canopy. It was a small stream coming down a steep rocky section. Had the water volume been 4 times it was, there would have been adequate water falling.

Massive Valley and a view for miles. A bit smoky today.
A long abandoned log cabin shell.
The mountain bike was the good choice with the up and down riding. Not sure is the cabin sunk low or if some very short mountain people lived here.
Looking out of the dark canopy near the falls the sun bursts onto the emerging trail.
The falls are bordered with rocky sections.
Trailside hecklers. Nothing to do today but stare at the out-of-place mountain bike rider.
Here is Lake Dowdy, the largest of the Red Feathers Lakes. In the afternoon if provided plenty of interesting riding.
Dowdy Lake.
Dowdy Lake is surrounded by campsites and most were occupied.
Stand up surfboards were popular, kayaks and canoes. No motoring at this lake.

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