Red Feathers Lakes, CO

Aug 31, 2020 – Riding through this small town with several small lakes. Most were circled by cabins or houses for long time residents. The history shows the lakes are man-made in late 1800’s by homesteaders in the area.

The waters are clear and deep as the many lakes ‘in town’.
At one lake I saw many large fish near the shore easily more than 18 inches in length.
Fishing seems limited to residents as the lakes and properties surrounding them are mostly private.
A totem of sorts near this very unique cabin. Cabins and houses are small most appearing occupied by residents in town.
A near perfect day of clear weather.
A few general stores, liquor stores, and basic post office. A few restaurants and bars. Many still closed.
Seems most residents have some lakeside property or have a small lake within walking distance.
Riding through town and along pathways for fisherman make this a very unique place to visit.

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