Single Tracks at Cherry Creek State Park

So I learned the hard way that the far south entrance near the 12 mile dog park if not suitable at all as an entrance. On a Saturday mid-morning, 30 cars where lined up waiting just to get a parking spot in the small lot. Every car with at least one dog. I bagged on this scene and entered through the East Entrance without delay.

The park is very popular with road bike hammerheads. I manage to find trails though away from them and this day I found more single tracks which revise my opinion of the park overall. I have now a good circuit going around the entire reservoir that minimizes pavement trails. Overall it’s a great 3 hour ride around with plenty to see when other locations begin to dull. The panorama photos here don’t reflect the foliage very well and much of the open space seems overrun with prairie dogs which I did not photograph. So these photos are poor effort to convey the days experience.

Newly discovered single tracks at Cherry Creek State Park.
There are many more trees than this would appear.
Facing Denver Tech Center. This is the trail along the Dam Road.
Another tortured tree for my upcoming tree photo essay.

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