Cherry Creek Trail – Parker to Franktown Seg #3

Southern most segment was not very scenic with a wide variety of trail conditions. Started at the CCC Bar Park and rode to the farthest south segment of the Cherry Creek Trail. Amounted to a 25 mile ride with minor side trips. Highlights were the trail entrances to the East-West Trail, the Bayou Gulch Trail, Hidden Mesa Open Space and some mean looking cows who stared me down as if I was intruding.

Rode a 12 mile local trail for Thanksgiving Day. No photos, but trust me that the scents of home cooking were found all along the trail coming from neighboring homes. At around 3pm, there were lots of groups of folks taking walks, who normally would not be on the trail.

Above: a Christmas statue and contemplation site?
Above: More waterway management along the Cherry Creek.
Above: passed a couple of ranches and farms. Feeling very rural.
Above: The mean looking bull with the horns was watching me carefully take this photo.
Above: part of the trail cross this very old and possibly safe bridge.
Above: the trail had to navigate some private ranch property and took some strange turns.
I mistakenly thought initially this was end of the trail. But a mile further south the trail becomes paved again and went on for another 5 miles to south of Franktown.

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