Jubilation lightens the ride

I’m able to wrap up a tough assignment at work. This put me into a good mood. I notice I take many more pictures when I am not stressed. I took to South Suburban golf course. Bright mid-February sun with late in day shadows. Then off to a cable rode segment.

Looking towards Lorenz Park in the distance and South Suburban Golf course in foreground. Exploration did not show any trail crossing being built across County Line Rd.
The outdoor dog park. Frequently used, it looks like a mud pit most of the time.
Scenic trailside wooded overlook.
Trees being grown or farmed? If a greenhouse is a nursery, then this must be pre-school for trees?

Above and next two shots are same location, but progressively zoomed.

Max Zoom, just harder to hold steady for clear shot.
Sunset in 40 minutes.
Author. Proof of presence.


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