Snow Art – The Star

Recent snow and a fat bike ride to have some fun.  Fat-bike is headed for an upgrade in components, in time for an upcoming trip to Salida.  Hope there is snow.

Pictures are from recent days where warm but windy rides don’t offer much photo ops.

Ride it if its there.
Closeup of the artwork. er, whatever we call this.
Above: new trailside viewing and rest platform, right off the highline canal at one of my favorite spots. It’s going slow but the tough work looks done.
Above overlooking I-25 and Santa Fe interchange. Blustery but good riding weather.
Above: look for new cassettes, chainring, and derailleur in couple of weeks. Front fork rebuild and new brake pads. The baby here gets lots of miles.
Above: horses all excited in the same way dogs are in dog parks.
Above: farthest southern segment of Highline Canal. Looking west to foothills.
Above: makeshift bee place. I know nothing about raising bees. I’m not worried about that.
Above: Trailside obstacles. Highline Canal along plum creek area.
Above: riding swiftly underneath this.
Lots of horses and stables around here. This big facility is always busy.


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