Air Force vs Navy – Academy Football

Many flyby’s (14) at this football game. Each side brings their best toys to show off.

The Navy band and around 100 cadets present. Large audience support for Navy, but this is Air Force’s Stadium at the Academy in Colorado Springs.

Bands played jointly the Battle Hymn. I was seated in a section with mostly retired marines.

The game was sold out. AF won the game.  The energy in the stadium during the game was incredible.

Seems like everybody is tailgating.
Jet Engine Cutaway.
Many flyovers, but rarely a good picture is found. Here is the top of the Stadium building.
Joint Band performance.
Lot’s of Ceremony.
They enter and leave as a group.
Small side of the stadium looking south east.
The sun came out for this shot, allowing colors to come through well.


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