South Valley Park – Jeffco

Dec 22,  2018 – Winter Solstice. One of the shortest days of the year. But the weather and scenery are great. This ride is located near the United Launch Alliance Deer Creek Facility. The Grazing Elk trail is the best and brings you to a remote section with plenty of ?Elk. No elk today.

Hidden Gullies have lots of grasses. Even the brown kind.
Facing Southeast, this is still considered foothills.
United Launch e.g. Lockheed Martin Deer Creek Facility. Real rocket scientists here.
Author casting a shadow on a small gully wall.
The Elk trail has many surprises not seen at the beginning.
Facing southeast near a loop intersection. The distance homes are huge..
A glimpse trailside looking up at the Martin Marietta Deer Creek Facility.
Location, Location. Must be nice.
Not sure what the fencing is all about. At least its not barbed wire.
I think this facility builds some satellites or rockets or something.
The trails are popular, but not crowded.
Trailside monument.


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