Hidden Mesa – near Franktown

As I drive down thru Parker Colorado, the development is mind-numbing with whole areas being built I have never seen. But tucked away further south is this open-space land with nicely marked trails and a mesa top with great views. There is in some of the terrain on the top of the mesa, the feel of Moab, Utah.

There is a mile ride along the S. Platte Trail to get to the Hidden Mesa Trailhead. Easy to miss turnoff.
The longer way up is Pleasant View Trail. Steady but not too rocky climb.
At the top of the mesa, it’s a larger area than you can imagine.
Recent snows in the mountain and good moisture in the air. Mt. Evans in background.
Baby Cactus pushing up from the side of the trail. Lots of cacti at the top of the mesa.
Sections of the Rim Loop trail at the top are wide open.
Pike’s Peak looking south is looking sunny today.
Decent signage. Distances are not far, but the terrain makes an 8 mile ride a workout.
Cliffs not so obvious to the left. Remind us of Moab where deadly cliffs seem everywhere.
Pikes Peak and a trail marker. I saw about 4 other hike/bikers today on the trails.
Gotta take a break sometime.
Slickrock! The trail is hard to see in places. Tire tracks are the clue.
Tire tracks in mud are a needed clue to stay on trail.
More like Moab terrain.
Plants, rocks, everything is unique at the top.

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