South Highline Canal leading to Waterton Canyon

TUNAGE: Jethro Tull
I needed a familiar trail and returned to the Highline Canal trail just out from Waterton Canyon. The lead photo is of Platte Canyon Reservoir, looking west. The center of the photo is the entrance into Waterton Canyon. I start the day at the Marina at Chatfield, then ride out the south park entrance where the trail leads south west.

I’m feeling good about the bike since the new chain, and a simple brake adjustment with my fingers tells me I don’t need to bleed the brakes. Rear braking is great so I’m confused about the former sponginess.

Trails are more visited by horses than people. The wide canal surface has a soft choppy surface and lots of horse apples. One short stretch of too deep mud. I like this trail because of very low traffic. I’ve seen deer and hear birds of prey during my rides. There are a few connection points into Chatfield and Douglas County far into the southeast side of S. Platte. This is a remarkably remote and untouched area of Chatfield.

The west side of S Platte near the Waterton Parking Lot, gives easy access to great Chatfield trails but on the west side of the S Platte. There is no bridge for crossing the S Platte River along here. There are a couple of places where crossing the Platte on a Fat Bike would possible. But it would be knee deep water slosh for up to 20 yards. Great for a hot summer day.

There is roadside parking along some of the side streets off the Highline Canal trail. Keep and eye out for small signs that say “State Land behind this sign” and a opening in the gate and a friendly foot trail as evidence of a trail.

If you try this, note that you’ll encounter 2 cattle gates with simple sign saying ‘ok to pass but close it behind you’. It may be odd but passing through these gates are a highlight of the ride.

Photos taken with a tripod and are the crispest taken to date with the new rig. I was home early to enjoy 2 blowout playoff football games.

This posting done after a dinner with my youngest son Michael. He is successful and all that that I would expect from him.

How about these pics!!!

Platte Canyon Reservoir just opposite the entrance to the Water Canyon area.
Platte Canyon Reservoir, no public access, natural settings.
Mid-day, the birds seemed very busy and focused.


January in Colorado Front Range is dry, subdued, but often sunny. The temps have been great for a ride despite being Jan 22.

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