CPW #39 Trinidad Lake State Park – elk calf released

Jun 19th 2020 – Colorado Parks and Wildlife #39 Trinidad Lake State Park
I was looking forward this this park imagining smooth trails which go around the man-made lake. Wrong!, the trails where poorly drawn and the northern trails were through rough land, up and down steep trails. It was hike and bike 30% of the trail. This is a remote state park and I could not get any briefing from park personnel as it was thinly staffed. Mid week there were hardly any people here. Very different from Denver’s Cherry Creek. I chose the paved roadway to get back to the trailhead and encountered long steep roads for several miles. But all went well and a great workout.

The second half of the day I tried the southern trail which traced a rail road track so was it was much more what I had in mind. I encountered a baby Elk calf stuck in barged wire. The photo below ends positively as the park staff were able to cut some barbed wire and free the small youngster elk.

Proof of presence.
Lake Trinidad from an observation area near camping.
Southern Colorado is very dry, but some durable green foliage is found in these hills.
Some rock outcroppings were not colored entirely a reddish brown.
It was about here that I debated turning back having to clear out pebbles from inside my shoes. This is steep and lots of loose rock.
Trails on the north side rode along the top of the hilly peaks.
View of Fisher’s Peak. Easily seen from most anywhere in town.
Trinidad lake, looking west towards the Sangre De Criso Range which is immense.
Cokedal is a tiny town but used to be a huge area during coal mining. Coke ovens were here but all that is abandoned.
Highway riding but the view was good and traffic was very light.
Good News is that this little fellow was released by park staff. The following day I visited and the barbed wire was cut, evidence the baby elf was freed. I took a cell phone photo and when I showed one of the park rangers the photo, she got very busy mobilizing a rescue force. I did not stay to watch the rescue, but it feels good to have reported it because by the following day this would have been tragic.

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