Sundance Trails Guest Ranch

Aug 30, 2020 – Near Red Feathers Lakes in Northern Colorado. This guest ranch a special place that treats their guest and horses with a special kind of care. The surrounding areas offer a unique and genuinely Colorado experience. Included photos only hint at the great experience you will enjoy here. Photos here, and in the next several blog postings show what you may and what I saw from the saddle of my bike. Not shown are all the great people you will meet and encounter in this ranch.

The main lodge serves all meals and the center of ranch activity.
Neighboring cabins host one or many visitors. This is a very family and pet friendly place.
I was lucky to get a remote facing front porch to the cabin. Deadly silence all the time, and night skies you’ve never imaged are here.
The ranch resides in a valley high in the mountains. At 8000′ altitude the air is cool and normally sunny blue skies dominate. Some distance forest fires clouded up the skies on only two days.
Meet ‘Grey’ on this crystal clear morning.
And this is ‘Yellow’.
And your author shown here with ‘Curly’. A 17′ hand horse. Note the curly mane hair.
Curly on the 3rd evening got something in his head that caused him to try to jump a pen fence, and managed to break these steel bars in several locations. He is fine other that some scratches. The noise this caused got all the other horses charging around for a bit.
Look at how they are focused and listening to something afar.
Most of the day involved eating grass hay. On the right is ‘Boone’ who I rode later in the week.
This is ‘Calamity Jane’.
This is as much ‘business’ as you will encounter on a guest ranch. I’ve seen over two dozens horses here and more are kept in distance pastures taking a break.
The main tack house.
Taking a break from riding and enjoying some shade.
Looking up at the clubhouse which also has a side pen for one horse injured in weeks past trying to jump fences and just being horses.
For the week, a pool of horses were working with guests. But many horses are set aside for rest as they cycle through resting and working cycles.

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