Southern Wyoming – 60th B’day ride

On Sept 29, 2022 – 60th Birthday

With no map support, took off from the hotel and rode the largest circle around the town possible. I found many more unmarked trails than are seen on the limited maps. Eventually found and rode the entire Greenbelt trail which follows the Little Laramie River. The entire town of Laramie bisected by the railroad which in town is a 20 track wide railroad center. There is in town only one vehicle crossing to the west side of town from the main street area. There is a pedestrian only bridge of considerable size allowing cycles and pedestrians. I also found the old town of Laramie which is well hidden from the main drag through town called 3rd Avenue or (Route 287) which continues far north. The greenbelt rides to the farthest north section of town. Further North or South of the Greenbelt quickly becomes remote and no rider friendly unless you want road shoulders only on what are main highways.

I celebrated the longer than anticipated ride, with a nap, then a pepperoni pizza since it is was birthday today at 60 years old.