11 Mile State Park – Lake George CO Day 1

Day 1 – 11 Mile State Park – Lake George CO Day 1
Drove up this morning, scoped the camping ground, then drove over to scout the 11 Mile State Park. This reservoir holds the water from Park County that flows into the S Platte and provides Denver water. Much of the landscape is high plains and the southern part of the park has forested trails and great views.  This Memorial Weekend trip was 4 day of Mountain biking and exploration in Park County.

Living Large in Colorado


Above – Vista Looking South from trails on south of the park.
An attempt to get to the top of the 11 mile dam was met with un-passable rocky terrain behind me.


There are only a few trails at the park. Mostly open space and barren. This is along the mountain trails and there was some hiking required in short stretches.
About half mile on the other side of these rocks, is the Dam for 11 Mile Reservoir. Closed and not accessible.
Above: I saw a post card in the ranger station with this same view. Mine is ok.
Above, looking Northeast toward Mosquito Ranch. 11 mile reservoir is windy and chilly at just above 9,000 ft.
Camping is about simplicity an essential comforts.
Essential Camping equipment. I would not camp without these items.
I did not see any bears, plenty of deer, a fox, and squirrels, no bears though.


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