EAD – Eclipse Affective Disorder

A temporary sense of displacement, alienation and disorientation associated with these rare events. Syptoms onset with either realization the eclipse was no big deal and glad you did not spend a lot of money, or those moments having witnessed ‘totality’ , the awe and inspiration that can be found in this world.

I figured with 92% coverage, it would have been quite dark. But NO, it’s like a thin cloud obscured an otherwise bright sunny day for a short time. The shadows were different though. I could see what appeared to be a scalloped shape to the shadows of leaves and small objects on the ground.

Above: very close to home is this view post sunset.
Different filtering on the image.
My Eclipse vantage point. This is just past the darkest in Littleton. It did not get nearly as dark as I thought it would.
I did not look but the camera did. Not much to see.
It did not get this dark at all. Here the camera setting I placed intentionally to reduce the amount of light. Took this photo but I never got this dark.
Above: a colorized shot of the horizon.

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