Colorado Staunton State Park

This place is a real gem.  About 30 minutes down 285 is the turnoff. It was a special event day with some authentic mountain people.

These open meadows are always special for me. They have a strange draw. There are collapsed rock cabin walls in distance.
This is facing away from the cliffs behind me. The rock strewn trail is mostly from falling rock above me.
I have no interest in putting rock climbing onto my bucket list.
Some Aspen beginning to change. The temperatures were perfect.
Guess why the trail is called the Old Mill Trail.
Above: Howz this for photo composition. This is a perfection trail segment.
Above: taken above the cliffs, which are straight ahead drop. Great views!
Looking southwest. Ancient trees as the top.
Altitude is above 9000 ft. Rigorous riding on the fat bike. Need to take Thunderbolt next time.
A row of these cliffs make this an interesting park.
Open Meadows.
It’s too dangerous to enter. What to do?
Corncakes griddled over the fire, some entertainment, and knowledgeable volunteer staff.
Regrettably, these two are stuffed.
It’s a heritage day. The state park is on land previously owned by an early pioneer who made a name for their family throughout the county.